Outbound marketing


Outbound marketing is any type of marketing where the company starts a conversation and sends its message to the audience. Outbound is the opposite of inbound marketing, where customers find your business when they need your business. Before the internet, searching for an item took a significant amount of energy and time, and there were some items or services that couldn’t even be found unless their salespeople contacted us directly. Therefore, for hundreds of years outbound has continued to prosper, because consumers have no other choice but to rely on information from sales and advertisements, but now everything has changed instantly.

Excess :

  • Consumers become more confident in these goods

Deficiency :

  • Difficulty in tracking return on investment (ROI)
  • Improve blocking techniques (block cellphone numbers, spam filters, etc.)
  • High cost, low yield.

Application examples

  For its application, it is still fairly ancient, as can be found in various media such as radio, TV, magazines, newspapers, and so on. In this day and age can be in the form of emails, advertising banners and SMS.

Pros and cons of outbound marketing


  1. Broad scope: The size beyond the scope of marketing can scale with the level of the budget, with sufficient cost a business can do marketing to one country or even to all corners of the earth.
  2. Results can be seen quickly: The results of outbound marketing can be seen quickly, because it is a direct message to potential customers, so it can be done at any time, without waiting for the customer to arrive.


  • Not very effective: Because it targets a large mass of people, not everyone involved with an outbound campaign will be ready to buy, so the quality and number of leads generated will always be lower than expected.
  • Disruptive: Outbound campaigns are often referred to as ‘disruptive marketing’, because they generally demand time from potential customers forcibly to pay attention to the message the marketer is trying to convey.
  • The effect is only for short: Once the outbound campaign ends, no it will no longer benefit our business. For example, advertising on TV, which usually will only increase sales as long as the ad is there, when we no longer advertise on TV, sales will immediately decrease drastically.

Comparison with inbound marketing

What is currently widely used is indbound marketing because inbound marketing has more advantages than disadvantages, businessman therapy cannot eliminate the outbound method because the outbound and inbound methods are mutually beneficial.


What can be concluded from what has been explained is that in today’s era it is rare to find businessmen who use outbound marketing methods because there are more disadvantages than advantages.

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